Glossary Entry Submission

First, download the template markdown files and directories with the button below.
Unlike Profile Submissions and Resource Submission, submitting an entry to the glossary does not require that you fill out a metadata form. The submission process varies depending on if you are adding your perspective to an existing term in the glossary or adding a new glossary term.

New Glossary Entry

To create a new glossary entry, navigate to the glossary-template folder where you will find the file. There you add the required meta-data manually (term name and author info)

Extensions to an existing glossary entry

We hope that our collective understanding of the glossary terms are alive and evolving. To that end we hope in the future to develop a process for collective authorship of terms. For now, however, we are opening these term submissions as spaces spaces of asynchronous conversation that anthologize the various perspective community member have on the meaning of these vital terms. To add your perspective to an existing terms. First download the markdown document, go to the _ideas folder in the ABC Hub GitHub repository here There you will see a list of all the markdown files currently included in the glossary. Navigate to the term you would like to contribute and click on it. Then click the download button for raw file download button (see below) to download the current markdown file.
image showing where download button is
With markdown file downloaded, you can edit the document by adding your author information and adding a new "block quote" section by adding a return and starting your new content with a > and a space. For more sophisticated formating of your block quote refer to this quick tutorial. At the end of the block quote be sure to provide your name and a link to your profile page. To do so, copy and paste the text below and replace "your-name-slug" with your name-slug from your profile and your first name and last name.
<a href="">Firstname Lastname</a>

Submission via Google Drive or GitHub

Finally you will upload your named folder, which will include all the files associated with your submission via Google Drive or GitHub. Submission Notification Form