Contributions build capacity

Individual contributions build everyone's collective capacity. With the ABC Hub (the Hub) we are collaboratively building a free and open source platform to connect people and places with ideas and actions. By actively contributing content across the various types of community contributed content outlined below, you will help evolved our collective capacity for enact meaningful change on the ground in each of our unique communities.

You can contribute a range of content:

  • Community profiles: Introduce and connect yourself or your organization to other contributors.
    *Submitting a profile is required before you submit other content.
  • Resource articles: Publish an article that outlines a specific strategy for enacting change.
  • Glossary entries: Add a reflection and join a conversation to help generate living definitions of relevant concepts and terms.

Start contributing!

The submission process for each content type will follow the same 4 steps outlined below.

  1. If you do not have one already, download a markdown text editor. We recommend the free and open-source software (FOSS) program Zettlr which can be downloaded here
  2. Download our content templates here and open the content specific folder path and markdown file in your preferred markdown editor template.
  3. Fill out an online form which will automatically generate and format the required metadata (called "Frontmatter").
  4. Copy the form generated metadata into your opened markdown file template, rename and save your file with the appropriate convention, and edit the template with your content.
  5. Upload your named folder, which will include all the files associated with your submission, via Google Drive or GitHub and filling out a Submission Notification Form

*Submission Paths

There are currently two paths for submission to the ABC Hub.

  • Google Drive Path (preferred method for first submissions)
  • GitHub Path (for contributors with existing GitHub accounts or those interest in learning committing time to learning new tech skill)
Regardless of which path you select, please fill out the above form (last step above) to register your submission so our team can follow up and help get your important contribution published!
Google Drive Path
Please fill out this form and submit a link to your personal Google Drive folder (with permission turned to provide access to anyone with the link to be "Commenter"). Inside the folder, include one folder per submission type with the appropriate folder and file structure and naming conventions.
GitHub Path
In the submission form you will provide your personal GitHub account handle. We will follow up with you via email with more specific instructions for how to submit via GitHub and provide the required permissions to the abc-hub GitHub repository. The templates to assist in your submission are found here, and links to the metadata forms and submission process are found here on the main ABC Hub website.