Liberation as Praxis
by Gustavo Garcia Vaca
Glossary terms: capitalism , solidarity , organizing , futuring
FREE STUDIO envisions the academic design studio setting as an interdisciplinary space that elevates freedom of creative endeavor and a multiplicity of approaches. FREE STUDIO envisions the academic design studio setting as an interdisciplinary space that elevates freedom of creative endeavor and a multiplicity of approaches. FREE STUDIO connects the studio with abstract visual art, abolitionist practice, futurism and liberatory music concepts.The work of author/artist Patrisse Cullors, architect Sumayya Vally and Detroit Techno artists Underground...
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Online Collaboration Technologies:
Implications for Post-Pandemic Studio Learning and Teaching Practices
by Manju Adikesavan
Glossary terms: collaboration , technology , pedagogy
Online collaboration software such as Miro, Concept Board, Zoom, and Skype replaced face-to-face studio teaching and learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. This workshop draws on participants' lived experience of remote studio learning and/or teaching during the pandemic

'Production Studies':
Perspectives on Remaking Studio
by Silke Kapp , Lara Melotti , Mariana Moura , and Will Thomson
Glossary terms: labor , authorship , collectivity
This workshop seeks to question the centrality of design in architecture and studio education. Studio typically focuses students’ energy and critical attention towards outputs of the designed object, evaluated in an imagined state of completion—while ignoring the questions of how it would be produced, by whom, and under what conditions. Regardless of whether a design project focuses on achieving formal or functional attributes, it remains in the realm of reception/consumption. Can we instead imagine an...
- What new sets of problems would be possible to address in process-centered studios?
- What reflexive techniques might allow for attention to the production processes to inform design and studio practices?
- How might we rethink underlying ideas of authorship, individual expression, and evaluation?
- What kinds of buildings and spaces may be possible through a reconceived approach to design?

Crafting an Institution for Free Education:
A San Diego Case Study
by Megan Groth and Jose Parral
Glossary terms: commoning , pedagogy , case study
Based in the 2024 closing and general contexts of Woodbury School of Architecture in San Diego, participants will explore how different funding models can be utilized to support and grow a new institution (launching as the Center for Collaborative Design) with the goal of it ultimately offering a free (or almost free) architecture degree.
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Student Organizing Across Syllabi and Project Briefs
by Federico Garcia Lammers
Glossary terms: solidarity , pedagogy
Beyond their pedagogical and theoretical goals, syllabi operate as institutional contracts that are used to explain (and enforce) the scope of a studio. Project briefs offer the footprint for the power dynamics of the studio. This workshop investigates the influences on and implications of syllabi and project briefs and opens their development to student consideration and involvement.
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The Night School:
Community After Collapse
by Sadia Mounata and Tessa Forde
Glossary terms: organizing , futuring , representation
The Night School (TNS) is running two live, in person events as part of The Architecture Lobby's online ABC 2022. This event, Community After Collapse will take an online workshop developed by Sadia Mounata in Berlin, and adapt it to Tāmaki Makaurau. Participants will be asked to consider in groups a community they feel is is on the verge of of collapsing or is vulnerable to any kind of climatic, environmental, political, social or technological...
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Community After Collapse
by Sadia Mounata
Glossary terms: mapping , collapse , representation
Participants will be asked to consider in groups a community they feel is is on the verge of of collapsing or is vulnerable to any kind of climatic, environmental, political, social or technological threats or dissonance. They will then strategies and propose through graphs, patterns, maps and drawings their response as professionals through who, what, where, and how analyses.
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Engaging Communities in the Design Studio:
Considerations for Accountability from Five Case Studies
by Ipek Türeli , Samantha L. Martin , Robert Mull , Anna Goodman , Sergio A. Palleroni , and Sara Stevens
Glossary terms: organizing , futuring , community , engagement , case study
While many aspiring architects enter the profession with goals of creating better worlds, architecture supports capitalism, an economic system with its effects of environment degradation, growing inequality, and exploitation. A key obstacle to challenging the relationship between architecture and capitalism is the positionality of the architect. The design studio typically presents itself as a simulation of professional practice where the architect is the “author” of the design. Through an exploration of case studies from Ireland,...
- You will question if design studio can be re-envisaged as a context for fostering relationships with envisioned communities, and what are the responsibilities toward those communities.
- You will evaluate how can greater community relationships can be achieved in the context of short-term (e.g., 13 week) semesters and course credit-grading expectations in the university setting.

Ours to Hack and to Own:
Open-source Strategies and the Pedagogy of Potential
by Will Martin
Glossary terms: futuring , commoning
As transition designers of a post-capitalist society, we need to be resourced with agile and accessible technologies to facilitate our capacity to rapidly prototype pedagogical systems for structural change. Taking inspiration from open-source software platforms and their communities of builders, in this session participants will be introduced to alternative, radically transparent methods of evolving the incumbent architectural 'studio' and design pedagogy more broadly into an emancipatory technology that can and should be hacked and owned...
- You will be introduced to a provisional conceptual model and applied methods of co-evolving the architectural “studio” into an open-source and emancipatory 'technology' that can and should be hacked and owned and used by everyone.

Rethinking Property Relations:
Politicizing Site Analysis
by Manuel Shvartzberg Carrió , Juliana Maxim , Can Bilsel , Selina Martinez , and Rebecca Choi
Glossary terms: class relations , property , site , professionalization
In this panel, we want to denaturalize the ways in which sites are understood in design studios by engaging with questions of land ownership, histories and theories of property, and class relations between site professionals - such as architects, developers, and planners - and their putative clients and users.
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Decentre, Deconstruct, Design
by Rebecca Carrai , Renzo Dagnino , and Monica Tusinean
Glossary terms: commoning , property , politics , education
The workshop Decenter - Deconstruct - Design(?) is divided into three parts each exploring and addressing disciplinary, ideological and spatial questions through the engagement of participants in mapping architectural curricula, collective critical thinking and design-driven strategizing, and aims to assess alternative modes of architectural education and production beyond conventional capitalist constructs.
- Question how tracing regimes of ownership, such as settler colonialism or financial capital, challenge and politicize contemporary design pedagogy?

Seeing, Hearing, Eating, Drawing, and All of the Above
by Tommy Yang
Glossary terms: imaginary , representation , ideology , pedagogy
This workshop will introduce a survey of methods around embodied design pedagogies on situating sites as a location, as a classroom, a political and lived knowledge through fieldwork, oral storytelling, and making. We will look at guerrilla tactics of telling and maintaining stories through oral traditions, comics, picture books, and artifacts. Attendees will learn and understand how design ways of inquiry, imaginaries, and creative acts come to embody oppressive ideologies.
- How might tracing regimes of ownership, such as settler colonialism or financial capital, challenge and politicize contemporary design pedagogy?

Together We Dream
by Alexandra Oetzel
Glossary terms: utopia , alternative practice
Our workshop is an act of engaging the self (no, not that Self) where you must design, draw, detail your utopian biography. Our work will explore individual ambitions as we attempt to author our professional lives and explore methods of alternative practice that have existed in the past and today. Prior to meeting, we ask that you complete your biography according to the guiding questions set forth in our workshop assignment plan. Additional, optional readings...
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